Tag Archives: fiction

Yule love these

Happy Holidaze. We recommend these as stocking-stuffers. They’re books I have either produced, helped to produce, or have appeared in.

This is the first book from Oxygen Man Books, a specialty micropress that I run. It’s brand-new, oversized, and ready for prompt delivery.

Lately it occurs to me

OprahBros are just recycled BernieBros. I can’t believe that people take that stuff seriously. But apparently they do.

“You’re in the Cabinet! You’re in the Cabinet! And You’re in the Cabinet!”

Ugh. Thanks, Jill. Some images that brings up.

Stuff I did recently:

The CroningThe Croning by Laird Barron

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Look, this is effing great. It starts out like a standard matriarchal triumph thing, with the weird witchy wife trope happening and the half-the-man-I-used-to-be protagonist. So it has that ring of familiarity, and those changes are adroitly rung by the author, who then turns everything sideways as he goes cosmic Hidden allofasudden and everything gets the worm’s-eye-view gone slaunchwise until the literally mind-expanding climax.
Killer stuff. It should be a movie. It’d be a million times better than The Void. I’d watch it 167 times. This is my 3rd read-through. I own the tpb and the ebook.

View all my reviews


Test Patterns

Instagram (mostly cats)

RIP Edgar.



I’ve finally broken down and put together a Patreon page. It’s just a beginning — I don’t know exactly what to do yet…so I’m offering a story or a piece of a wip each week, plus access to music that then public won’t see for a while and the opportunity to have me write something from your story prompt.
Just part of an overall effort to organize and focus. I’d welcome participation and suggestions. Thanks for reading!

No Longer VagueBook


TEST PATTERNS is the name of the book. We’re collecting the money to get the thing out to the public.

“When the regular programming ends, the Test Patterns begin…

The concept; a collection of short speculative fictions written with classic television shows such as The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, and The Night Gallery, in mind. These will be the dreams and nightmares one finds themselves waking from after watching that eerie midnight movie, only to find themselves bathed in the gray glow of the test pattern on the TV screen. A collection richly varied stories which might impart a moral, inspire thought, offer meaning, inspire hope, or instill dread. Tales told in unique ways, employing provocative twists and surprises, and exploring the universal themes of humanity and self-discovery through the lenses of horror, fantasy, and science fiction.

This will be the premier publication and flagship anthology of Planet X Publications, a new press founded in California in 2017 by Michael Adams. Author and musician Duane Pesice of Planet Moderan Press is serving as editor-in-chief of this volume, bringing in diverse talent from (literally) around the world to delight and disturb our readers with brand new tales of the weird and otherworldly. If successful, we hope to make Test Patterns an annual series, showcasing the best and brightest writers working in weird fiction today, and the emerging talents who will become household names in the years to come.

This volume of Test Patterns is currently slated to include new works by:
Arinn Dembo,
Ashley Dioses,
Jordan Krall,
J.B. Lee,
Frederick J. Mayer,
K.A. Opperman,
Duane Pesice,
Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.,
Christopher Ropes,
John Claude Smith,
Jeffrey Thomas,
Scott Thomas,
Sarah Walker,
Can Wiggins
(TOC is subject to change)

The proceeds of this Go Fund Me campaign will go directly to the publication of this book by providing funds to pay our authors, cover artist, and printing costs.

Rewards for donors will be as follows;

Those who make a contribution of $5 will receive an eBook, in the format of your choice, Mobi, ePub, or PDF, of Test Patterns when it is available.

Those who make a contribution of $20 will receive a paperback copy of Test Patterns, plus an eBook version.

Those who make a contribution of $40 will receive a limited edition hardcover edition of Test Patterns, plus an eBook version.

Anyone seeking multiple copies or combinations of rewards, may donate the amount covering multiple rewards and email planetxpublications@gmail.com to specify reward types.

We hope to fulfill rewards and publish Test Patterns by Fall 2017, in time for Halloween.

Help spread the word!”

We Have a Deal?

usI made the girl a deal today.
I’ve been stressing over the time it takes to watch her, since she can’t be trusted alone and refuses to toe the line enough to be allowed privileges. That means I can’t write or make music or anything else because she wants constant attention, like an oversized infant.
She’s never learned how to work for and achieve positive attention. We’ve tried–the lessons just don’t get absorbed.
And this has been my issue since she was introduced to our household, and I was deputized to take care of her (nobody told me she was coming), without my knowledge or approval. Continue reading