Lately it occurs to me

OprahBros are just recycled BernieBros. I can’t believe that people take that stuff seriously. But apparently they do.

“You’re in the Cabinet! You’re in the Cabinet! And You’re in the Cabinet!”

Ugh. Thanks, Jill. Some images that brings up.

Stuff I did recently:

The CroningThe Croning by Laird Barron

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Look, this is effing great. It starts out like a standard matriarchal triumph thing, with the weird witchy wife trope happening and the half-the-man-I-used-to-be protagonist. So it has that ring of familiarity, and those changes are adroitly rung by the author, who then turns everything sideways as he goes cosmic Hidden allofasudden and everything gets the worm’s-eye-view gone slaunchwise until the literally mind-expanding climax.
Killer stuff. It should be a movie. It’d be a million times better than The Void. I’d watch it 167 times. This is my 3rd read-through. I own the tpb and the ebook.

View all my reviews


Test Patterns

Instagram (mostly cats)

RIP Edgar.


2 responses to “Lately it occurs to me

  1. Hey Duane!

    I’m still not on FB (wisely), so it’s nice to see updates from you appear in my inbox. I’m so sorry to hear about your furry friend. My condolences.

    You are just now getting to read The Croning? Wo, way to slip behind, Duane (ironic winkieface emoticon)… Also, the Oprah joke made me chuckle.

    Updates on me: I am (still) editing a music video for the band Homobiles. The director screwed me over a bit, so, my enthusiasm for the project waned. It will be out shortly, though. I’ll send a link when it’s done. It’s inspired by 70’s-80’s-era exploitation film trailers. We destroyed a car… fun times! I do have a rough cut, if you really want to see it. It’s 95% done.

    Also, I broke a hip (!) in October. Fortunately, the fracture was minor enough that I didn’t need a pin or surgery, and it is healing on its own… slowly… Still hurts like a sunuvabich, though.

    Thanks for keeping me in the loop! Congrats on the new book (Test Patterns)! I can’t wait to read it.



    • Third read for THE CRONING. Just now getting to review it though.
      Sorry about the hip. Blogging more frequently these days…one of my columns died, so I’m using that time to write blogposts. Cheers!


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